Done with your TISSNET Exam?
Let’s start OPI & Extempore Preparation for the various courses of TISS.
Following is the list of WhatsApp group according to the courses you have opted for and expecting to clear the cut off of TISSNET.
Online Assessment (OA) will be conducted for approximately 20 – 30 minutes by a three-member panel. The main objective of OA is to assess the candidates’ suitability and interest in studies in the chosen programme. There will be two components in OA as below;
- Extempore reflection on a given topic: Panel members will give a topic relevant to the programme of study and the candidate will be asked to present a reflection on the same for a maximum of 2-3 minutes. Candidates will have the option of asking for the second topic in case not comfortable with the one given at the beginning. There will not be a third choice.
- Online Personal Interview (OPI): The panel members will interact with the candidate to understand the candidate’s motivation, interest, and preparedness as well as basic subject knowledge of the undergraduate studies. Candidates’ understanding of social and economic factors will also be explored through OPI. These are only indicative areas of exploration at the OPI.
2. Weightage for final Selection Process is given below (Stage 1 & Stage 2)

Join the WhatsApp Group according to the courses that you have applied.
Make sure you joined the relevant groups. You may be asked to produce the admit card for the proof.
1.Master of Arts (Development Studies)Master of Arts (Women’s Studies)
2.Master of Arts / Master of Sciences (Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability Studies)
Master of Arts / Master of Sciences Regulatory Policy and Governance
Master of Arts / Master of Sciences (Urban Policy and Governance)
Master of Arts / Master of Sciences (Water Policy and Governance)
3.Master of Hospital Administration (MHA)
Master of Public Health (Health Administration)
Master of Public Health ( Health Policy, Economics and Finance) {MPH-HPEF}
Master of Public Health ( Social Epidemioligy) {MPH-SE}
4.Master of Arts in Applied Psychology (Clinical and Counseling Practice)
5.Master of Law (LLM) (Access to Justice)
6.Master of Arts (Human Resource Management & Labour Relations)
Master of Arts (Labour Studies and Practices)
Master of Arts/Master of Science(Analytics) (Self Financed)
Master of Arts (Organisation Development, Change and Leadership) (Self Financed)
Master of Arts (Social Entrepreneurship)
7. Master of Arts / Master of Science (Development Policy, Planning and Practice)
Master of Arts / Master of Science (Sustainable Livelihoods and Natural Resources Governance)
Master of Arts (Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship)
Master of Arts (Social Work in Rural Development)
8.Master of Arts in Social Work (Children & Families)
Master of Arts in Social Work (Community Organisation & Development Practice)
Master of Arts in Social Work (Criminology & Justice)
Master of Arts in Social Work (Dalit & Tribal Studies and Action)
Master of Arts in Social Work (Disability Studies & Action)
Master of Arts in Social Work (Livelihoods and Social Entrepreneurship)
Master of Arts in Social Work (Mental Health)
Master of Arts in Social Work (Public Health)
Master of Arts in Social Work (Women-Centred Practice)
9.Master of Arts (Public Policy and Governance)
10.Master of Arts (Ecology, Environment and Sustainable Development) Master of Arts (Labour Studies and Social Protection)Master of Arts (Peace and Conflict Studies)
Master of Arts (Sociology and Social Anthropology)
11.Master of Arts (Media and Cultural Studies)
For any issues or discussion regarding OPI & Extempore Preparation , whatsApp on 9971673374.